very vague

美 [ˈveri veɪɡ]英 [ˈveri veɪɡ]
  • 很不明确
very vaguevery vague
  1. The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms .


  2. When asked how the invaders had arrived on Guadalcanal island , he was very vague .


  3. The final letter is very vague ; possibly an R or a K.


  4. Not since he left that very vague message three days ago .


  5. But I find that lots of the talk is very vague .


  6. They don 't look it and the article is very vague all round .


  7. Fuzzy terms refer to the words that have very vague meanings .


  8. He 's very vague about what he wants to do after university .


  9. Although he said the very vague , but I think it was meant to say .


  10. Jones looked very vague and wondered aloud how it could have happened .


  11. Wonderful . That 's very vague about what you do , but I believe you .


  12. With the popularization and applications of information technology in the enterprise , information technology and firm size have always maintained a very vague relationship .


  13. because of a very vague concept of birthright .


  14. Aware of such a relative , but never interfered with his life , the impression is very vague .


  15. For Westerners , it may not be obvious which values you mean , and " Confucian values " may be very vague idea for us .


  16. But , she says the outlines have thus far been very vague and the success of any such package will depend on the details .


  17. It seemed that all the introductory material I found was either very vague or so detailed that I got overwhelmed before getting to first base .


  18. The limitation is , to what extent , the participants believe that they cooperate with each other , which is very vague .


  19. The reason is law on farmers ' professional cooperatives for cooperatives of capital contribution of the amount , the provisions of the way very vague .


  20. For the legal status and the nature of the owners ' committee ," Property Management Regulations " qualitatively very vague , unclear legal status of the owners ' committee .


  21. Nevertheless , the conclusion from the study of faint blue galaxies is still very vague , although it is generally believed that the blue dwarfs cause the excess .


  22. This kind of description is not a true reflection but a description . Such kind of description reflects the landscape features of city square on the aesthetic judgments based on very vague .


  23. Domestic theorists have a very vague definition of the concept , and in particular , it is often confounded with the investment environment , which causes much inconvenience in the research .


  24. I don 't know why-some of the engagements stand in my memory as if they happened yesterday , but my first battle experiences are very vague .


  25. If sociological laws determine the degree of anything , they will do so only in very vague terms , and will permit , at the best , a very rough scaling .


  26. According to the law , the legal status of school is viewed as corporation of enterprise , but this legal status is very vague in fact because our legal system has no classification of public and private corporation .


  27. The change of urban patterns not only reflects the change of direction and development scale of a very vague and rough city , but also shows the relation between a city and its natual environment and regional spatial structure .


  28. However , although the construction of " greenway " throughout the country is on an uptrend , the definition of " greenway ", and the manner and direction of construction are still very vague and blind .


  29. This conclusion is very vague , and did not explain that non-swelling clay mineral composition of the red clay , in the role of strong adsorbed water , how the free-swell reaches nearly 50 % .


  30. At the same time , due to the quasi-property rights is an extension of meaning and very vague concept of vested mining rights in the areas of quasi-property rights is not conducive to the nature of mining rights .
